Three basic rules of Little League

Little League RulesLittle League baseball and softball, the largest youth sports organization on the planet, is played by millions worldwide each year. More and more parents inquire about the game every year for both boys and girls. Having a better understanding of the basic rules and regulations of the game is important for parents and youth athletes alike.

Generally speaking, Little League follows the basic rules of the game outlined by Major League Baseball itself. A number of exceptions do exist and are largely confined to leagues catering to younger players, especially those ages 12 and younger. Before playing Little League baseball or softball, players and parents should take a few moments to better understand the official rules of the game and how they apply to Little League itself. The official rules of the game are available to the public by an online subscription or in print.

Little League games last only six innings as opposed to the typical nine innings in Major League Baseball. A game much be completed through four innings to be considered official, while the game could also be suspended after one inning is officially played. In higher level divisions aimed at players 13 and older, regulation games last seven innings while five innings must be completed for games to be considered official.

All players in leagues other than Senior and Big Leagues must have at least one plate appearance and three consecutive defensive outs in games. Little League-approved bats made of aluminum, wood or other materials are used by players while field size is dependant upon the division level. Tee Ball fields, for example, generally have 50 feet between bases while Junior, Senior and Big Leagues have the standard 90 feet between bases.

For base running, players in lower level leagues cannot leave the bag until the pitcher releases the ball. That rule, however, is waived for players in higher divisions. The strike zone extends to players’ armpits while pitchers in all divisions are limited to a certain number of pitchers per game. Players removed as substitutions may return to the game under specific conditions, although removed from the game may not return.

For a more complete list of Little League rules and regulations, the official rulebook is available online and in print. Players and parents alike should take the time to better understand the basic rules of the organization before committing to play.

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Posted in Baseball, Little League

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